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KOI miner C16 under AGMH will surely become a rising star

更新时间:2021-12-21 14:27:03 人气指数:
KOI miner C16 under AGMH will surely become a rising star
KOI C16 miner
The U.S. stock-listed company AGMH.O has also released a mining machine called C16 on the market. It is said that Angola released a large-scale mining machine-Koi Mining Machine-KOIMINERC16 in August 2021, which has high mining efficiency in the industry. Earlier, the Securities Daily reported that the hash rate of the mining machine was as high as 113TH/s and the power efficiency ratio was 30J/T. According to other data, the performance of the mining machine had surpassed the best of the same industry at that time. level.

It is reported that the C16 is equipped with the C3012 chip developed by Shenzhen Gurry Electronics to support the mining of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. The products have been sold in the United States, Canada and Europe. Shen Yanling, chief financial officer of Angola, once said that the company"s new business of encrypted mining equipment has a bright future, and the company"s C16 mining machine will also receive considerable orders under this trend.

After the release of the C16 mining machine, on September 27, Angola announced a strategic cooperation with Shenzhen Gurry Electronics. In the six months before March 25, 2022, Shenzhen Gurry Electronics will give priority to Ann Gao Union provides the latest ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) chip technology and manufacturing services. In return, Angola will be solely responsible for customer development on a global scale, with the goal of generating orders totaling US$100 million within a six-month period. If both parties achieve their goals, Angola and Shenzhen Gurry Electronics will form a joint venture to jointly develop exclusive AGM chips.

The reporter has learned from many sources that the C16 mining machine manufactured and sold by Shenzhen Gurry Electronics mentioned in the civil complaint may be the same product as the C16 mining machine released by Angola.

It is worth noting that the ASIC bitcoin mining machine market has been dominated by several giants such as Bitmain, Canaan Technology, E
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